Our new business strategy

Over the past several days, our editorial team has developed a new business strategy. The core plan is to double down on our in-house publications, bringing them from concept all the way to market and then promoting them. This will give us some much-needed publishing experience as well as valuable real-world feedback on our methods and processes. Our hope is to refine how we run our business so we can better serve our authors in the future.

I’ve updated our Publications page to reflect the new release timeline. Our first book will be Olivia Zoe Quinn’s sci-fi erotica thrill ride, StoneSport Chronicles: Volume 1. If anyone can set the right sexy tone for Rock Hard Press, it’s Olivia. We cannot wait to publish her novel!

After that, we’ll publish writing craft books from Bella Kensington and Kenzie Cox-Harden. These will be must-read titles for aspiring (or established) speculative erotica authors.

Stone Cold Stories and GAZMYK will no longer be magazines on a set publishing schedule, but rather anthologies assembled and published on an ongoing basis as stories are acquired. We don’t plan to have open submissions for the first couple of volumes, opting instead to proactively acquire stories from specific authors. Down the road, though, we do hope to return to our original plan for open submission calls.

We remain optimistic about Rock Hard Press’s future and its goal of becoming the premier publisher of speculative erotica. Our team of certified badasses will stop at nothing to make it happen. Let’s go!

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay






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